We’ve never faced a truly global pandemic as we have with COVID-19. Industries have been devasted and none more than the hospitality industry. HeadsUp brings a timely reminder to look after yourself, your colleagues and your staff. No issue is too small, take the time to chat with family, friends or seek professional assistance through resources such as Beyond Blue or Lifeline, people are waiting to help you through this.
There are some great resources available, so look after yourself. The following list is a reminder that every little activity you do helps.
• Daily exercise – a 30-minute walk
• Eat well – make a home-cooked meal
• Practice mindfulness – Smiling minds is an excellent app for newbies
• Talk to mates – Chat to your neighbours over the fence
• Play music – Dance
• Don’t overwatch the news
• Watch or read something uplifting – Schitts Creek comedy gold
• Learn something new – Now’s the time to learn that language
Remind yourself of all the positive attributes you have and draw on them.